Tuesday, January 29, 2013

29 January 2013

I've been to the gym twice. I'm back in my old ways.
I do a freerun on the treadmill for one mile (1 quarter mile warm up, 1 quarter mile jog, then whatever I can either run or jog) and then I get off the treadmill and get some weights in, and then do the fat burning option on the treadmill.
Things are going great.

My boyfriend's house caught on fire yesterday, so I'm going to see him today instead of going to the gym.

I'm enjoying working out more often.
I weighed 229 today :)

Friday, January 25, 2013

25 January 2013

Today I rejoined my favorite gym. I'll post weight tomorrow, but I am looking forward to it.
Jesse has officially put up with me as his girlfriend for a month.

Things are looking up. I feel positive energy radiating. Things are going wonderfully.
I'm happy :)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

24 January 2013

I stopped blogging for awhile.

On my last post, I was around 235. I got down to 217 because of a sickness, and then gained 10 back because of the holidays.

I began to work two jobs while going to school and the gym that I loved moved even farther from my house, so I had to drop my gym membership. That was roughly a year ago.

today, I weighed 229.  I cannot believe I let myself almost get back to 230, so tomorrow I am going back to the gym I love and I am going to see about getting a new membership.

I am proud of my progress so far, but I still have a goal of 180.

On another note, my life is going wonderfully right now. I have an absolutely amazing boyfriend who loves me.
That is my amazing boyfriend :).

I quit one of my jobs because it sucked. Kmart had a policy where if I couldn't get 60% of my customers to have their store loyalty card, then my hours got cut. I could work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday because Kmart was my weekend job. I was getting 8 hours a week at one point, so I put my two weeks in.
I am now getting 40+ hours at Taco Bell since I quit kmart. I worked 48 hours last week. (I can't wait for this paycheck)

I am almost done with school. I should be getting my associates in Elementary Education this summer.